Enjoy Nature

After reading Forest Therapy by Sarah Ivens, incorporating nature into my daily life became a priority.


I always felt better after going for a walk in a park or a hike in the woods, but I didn’t know why! There are many reasons, but in short: connecting with nature both indoors and outdoors can lift our mood or help us relax. In fact, even looking at a picture of a forest can calm us! It’s pretty amazing! This week, take some time to get outside or bring the outdoors inside. Go for a walk (make sure you bring your mask), get a houseplant, have a nature inspired lock screen on your phone, or diffuse natural scents you love! The options are endless and the impact is wonderful!

Two rainbow eucalyptus trees standing in a grassy forest.
Sunbeams pouring through the clouds over the Grand Canyon.
Close up view of a Haleakala silversword plant.